What is the All About Dogs FIT DOG program? At All About Dogs, we're dedicated to enhancing the fitness and well-being of both dogs and their owners. Modeled after the AKS FIT DOG program, our FIT DOG program offers structured fitness plans tailored for you and your furry companion to enjoy together.

There are three levels of FIT DOG titles—Bronze, Silver, and Gold—each requiring a specific number of activity points, depending on the title level.

Our classes utilize positive reinforcement techniques such as luring, capturing, and shaping, emphasizing proper form to target specific muscle groups.

Both owners and dogs will learn new skills, with dogs engaging muscles in unique ways and acquiring new movement patterns.

We prioritize fun, safe, and efficient training sessions, ensuring a rewarding experience for all involved.

Benefits of a FIT DOG Class:

  • Provides mental and physical stimulation, promoting behavioral wellness
  • Reduces the risk of injury, particularly beneficial for canine athletes
  • Enhances strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health
  • Alleviates boredom and fosters confidence
  • Helps address and prevent problem behaviors

Scheduling for Fit Dog is not determined yet, so stay on our Newsletter list to get an update!